Cecelia Moseley

Cecelia Moseley is an artist from Meridian, Mississippi who is currently in her third year of receiving her MFA in sculpture at Louisiana State University. She received her BFA in sculpture from The University of Mississippi in 2020. For Cecelia, creating art has always played some part in her life. Being diagnosed with dyslexia at an early age, she found it difficult to express herself through writing. In her work, she is drawn to abstract and figurative compositions through fabricated steel, cast metals, and acrylic. Conceptually her sculptures are formed together to create a new way of expression and representation of the way many dyslexics see and process the world through learning.

Cecelia has exhibited her work throughout the south including public works and permanent sculptures over the past three years. Some of the public works include being exhibited in Meridian, MS, Oxford, MS, Macon, GA, and Decatur, IN. In addition, Cecelia enjoys being involved with an artist community through curating exhibitions, teaching workshops, giving public talks, and working with the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council on public art.


Rachel Misenar


Jack Howard Potter